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Sunday, July 16, 2006

who's zooming who

I've often admired America's founding fathers, perhaps especially Thomas Jefferson, who wrote the Declaration of Independence, for being renaissance men. Their's was a time when scientific reason was first entering into the illuminated mindset. Blind faith, either in science or in an organized religion's god, was not the name of the game, but rather rational thought and exploration on every topic. Despite the uncertainty of starting a new country and such, these must have been brave men. There seems to be a "regression", at least to me in the media and in the "politically correct" faces the politicians must wear, towards fundamentalism in religion. People always have and always will need faith, security and understanding in their lives. As societies developed, religion was a natural part of the growth process of communication becoming communal doctrine. And now here we are in a time filled with fear...of terrorism, of economic instability, and in America, of losing our sense of global dominance. What is there to fall back on when faced with great fears? I don't know who's zooming who anymore, but I do know I feel very uncomfortable watching from the sidelines.


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