An older blog I had. I'm now at

Monday, January 23, 2006

protestant work ethic

(I ended up writing a rant in reply to a blog post by Steve Kilbey...)

protestant work ethic
work sets you free
cleanses your earthly soul
brings you closer to god
blame the christians
those damn arrogant straights
labeling lovely brown-skinned people
as heathens
gotta go do my missionary work, padre
gotta bring those lost souls
back to god
gotta bring back some gold whilst i'm a preachin' man
gotta greedily devour this world
gettin' kinda greedy...
gotta steal, appropriate,
infest and inseminate
all in the name of god and throne
"lesser" cultures squashed by the fucking (sorry mom)
white European straights
of the day
leaving no stone unturned
so that years later
ye olde rawkah has to worry
about his brilliant daughters fate.....
we all need to find our faith
faith is fundamental
to the human experience
as are the needs forlove
define them as you need to
but keep yon opinion
to thyself....
look at what the christians did....
sad that in the USA you can elect any old piece of bought shit
you can even elect a woman
or someone with "ethnic" background
that'll all come someday
but trust me
an athiest
or at least, an open-minded scholar
will NEVER be PREZ....
whythat would be just wrong....
sorry to fill up your blog with ye puccifish rant


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