An older blog I had. I'm now at

Friday, December 16, 2005


So yesterday I was walking into the local WalMart to pick up some photos I had developed and some pop and chips for the christmas potluck at work. I had an empty McDonald's bag in my hand, and needed to throw it away. The Salvation Army bell ringer and his donation pot were set up about one meter in front of the garbage can near the front door. Out of the corner of his eye, Mr. Bellringer saw me lean down slightly and deposit something...he obviously thought it was some cash in his red pot! "Thank you," he said, as he turned and noticed me throwing away the remains of my lunch. Not missing a beat, I reached into my pocket and grabbed all of my loose change (about a dollar) and said, "well, seeing as how you just thanked me, I'd better give you all of my change!"

And it's not that I don't donate (seeing as how I had no intention to this time). My wife gives them money almost every time she walks by, and she's a shopaholic. I feel my household does its part for the Salvation Army this time of year. But I had to save some face... other news...

check these guys out and add:
i used to gig with a couple of those guys
casey virock is truly a rock god
great songwriter and guitarist
& works at dave's guitar shop in la crosse, wisconsin
(my home away from home)
i've got a lot of their old stuff
they've offered that i open for them at a few upcoming gigs!

hey, i talked to jeffrey cain on the phone last night!
he and i really share some similar experiences in our
youthful musical indoctrinations
i really felt a connection with the guy
which was cool
he'll be recording some...vocals...for me at his LA studio
& we will be collaborating on a few tracks
who knows where any of this all leads?

...and i got some inside scoop on the new isidore cd...

Amazingly, I am at a near-desparate state in my personal life,
but musically,
life has never been better...

Peace, y'all.



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