An older blog I had. I'm now at

Friday, December 02, 2005

recording and emails

OK, enough of the arty blog posts for the moment. I like them, sure. But I tried to use the "stream-of-consciousness" technique to write them, and it appears that only depressing hubris comes out of me when I do that. What would Freud do? Well, I have issues, of course, which I won't detail now. I guess I can nutshell say it as "I want to be somebody". Both internally for my own sense of self-worth, and externally as well. I haven't always done all I could (and what I did do might have been misdirected, even if it was well intentioned).

But I can tell you that I have been working very hard towards that end. The forthcoming "unfolding" solo CD on Heyday Records is a good start. It's lead to other things already, recording projects I can't comment fully on at this time. But trust me, it's very exciting and fun and cool and I think people are really going to take notice of my follow-up CD to "unfolding". The working title is "Tony and Friends", with the concept that I provide the instrumental musical background and others do the singing. The roster for singers is pretty much full, and now I've been recording like crazy, trying to get my musical part of the deal finished for everyone. One or two of the songs might even lead to full-length CD collaborations with these other artists!

I think those that know me know I am long-winded with my emails. I feel the burden of correspondence, like I need to add something substantial to the conversation, not just a word or two. But due to the project above, I've been emailing some famous people and to a person, they all are very brief in their emails. But the necessary points are still communicated! And I've been falling behind in my emails to many people. Not that I'm famous, but obviously I'm long-winded, huh?!?!! And that's how I think, also. I guess they go hand-in-hand. Over-explaining in my mind and on paper and screen.


Blogger megingras said...

How wonderful!
Ok, so I didn't get a gig on this new said CD to sing...mmmm.
Then again, I didn't have you on my song list. I guess we're even

BTW...I have a great Dessert recipe! ;)

Friday, December 02, 2005 10:20:00 AM


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