An older blog I had. I'm now at

Thursday, August 03, 2006

here comes silence

Some of you may know I've been working on a cd project, which will be my instrumental music with the lyrics and vocals by guest singers. I've got a cool line-up, including John Kilbey, Donnette Thayer, & Margot Smith, amongst other equally talented people (although perhaps lesser know) such as Lnz Schilling of A Melodic Daydream and the amazing Harry Flowers.

Harry has submitted his track, actually, although he's going to do some extra backing vocals soon. So I don't consider that to be "done". But today I got a very special package in the mail, one I'd been looking forward to like a kid at Christmas time. I received the song Jasmine Yee of Halogen sang on for me, "Here Comes Silence".

She actually sent it in it's constituent parts, so I have loaded it into my recording software and am going to give it a good mix tomorrow. But even just hearing the rough mix, wow, this is so amazing! I LOVE her voice, and have since learned that she is a total sweetheart in real life.

The project is underway. I have renewed faith!


Blogger daydreamer said...

Tony! This sounds VERY cool! You got vocals from Jasmine Yee?? and Margot Smith?!?!? My god, I thought she'd disappeared off the face of the earth! Good luck with this project, I for one will be looking forward to hearing it.

btw congratulations on your CD release on Heyday. I'll put that one on my wish list.


Monday, August 07, 2006 11:52:00 AM


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