An older blog I had. I'm now at

Friday, July 28, 2006

Jenny Morman

As I was reading the paper tonight, I was struck speechless. On the obituary page, right at the top, was an obituary for a girl I used to work with, named Jenny Morman. You work with all sorts of people. Some you dont care for too much, some you dont mind, and then there are the few people you really look forward to seeing every night, because they are your friends. And Jenny was a friend of mine. We were both big music fans, and we were always exchanging cds and cassettes. I can directly attribute my interest in Peter Murphy/Bauhaus/Tones on Tail, along with Norways amazing Turbonegro, to Jennys taste. Jenny was always sickly. It turned out she was allergic to wheat, of all things! Every time she ate, she was making herself sick. Im not sure of the exact cause of death, but I can only imagine it was due to an anorexic/allergic condition. Jennys email address was one of the very first ones in my address book when I finally had access to the Internet. Her ID was "everydaysinner"! And that just tells you she had a lot of attitude. She was a very smart girl. Far too smart and artistic to be kept down but this white-collar, conservative place called Rochester, Minnesota. Last I knew, Jenny was off to San Francisco to reunite with her girlfriend. We kept in touch a little bit, but sometimes you begin to lose track of people. She must have changed her email address, because after a while I couldnt get in touch with her. But I always wondered what she was up to, where she was, and how she was doing. I'm sad to know she's gone. She passed away in Minneapolis, undoubtedly being as bohemian as she could be, bless her heart. She was only 34 years old. But as I sit and think about Jenny tonight, as I think about life tonight, I realize her email ID summed her up pretty well. No, not the sinner part, but the fact that she always had such spirit, even as frail as she always was. And she had the guts to follow her dreams. I will say a prayer tonight and listen to all of the great music I got from Jenny. If I had the constitution for it, she'd likely want me to get drunk in her honor as well! Hahaha, what a great girl. I thought she was special when I knew her, and it makes me sad to know that the world has lost one more person who knew how to the moment. Bless your spirit, Jenny Morman. I will miss you.

With love,

Sunday, July 16, 2006

who's zooming who

I've often admired America's founding fathers, perhaps especially Thomas Jefferson, who wrote the Declaration of Independence, for being renaissance men. Their's was a time when scientific reason was first entering into the illuminated mindset. Blind faith, either in science or in an organized religion's god, was not the name of the game, but rather rational thought and exploration on every topic. Despite the uncertainty of starting a new country and such, these must have been brave men. There seems to be a "regression", at least to me in the media and in the "politically correct" faces the politicians must wear, towards fundamentalism in religion. People always have and always will need faith, security and understanding in their lives. As societies developed, religion was a natural part of the growth process of communication becoming communal doctrine. And now here we are in a time filled with fear...of terrorism, of economic instability, and in America, of losing our sense of global dominance. What is there to fall back on when faced with great fears? I don't know who's zooming who anymore, but I do know I feel very uncomfortable watching from the sidelines.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

UNFOLDING CD now Available!!!


My new CD, UNFOLDING, is now available! The postman was kind to me today, and I hope he can soon be kind to you too! It looks and sounds fantastic.

I really need to thank Robert Rankin Walker of Heyday Records for the amazing opportunity to release a CD on a label as cool as Heyday; thanks for everything, RRW!

Also now available are several remasters of previous releases, as well as my two poetry books. You can find information, lyrics, pictures, videos, mp3s and the order page at my website:

UNFOLDING, along with other great titles, is also available at the Heyday website:

For those of you who have already placed pre-orders with me, I will get your CDs out to you soon, thanks for waiting.

All the best,
Tony Pucci