An older blog I had. I'm now at

Friday, October 06, 2006

baby names

My wife and I have decided on baby names...

If it is a girl, she'll be Lila Kathleen Pucci. Lila for my aunt and Kathleen for Tricia's best friend.

If it is a boy, he'll be Ralph Louis Pucci. Ralph for my father and Louis actually is an old family name, an uncle on my father's side I never met.

Tricia likes Lila and Louie. I think both are perfectly fine. If it's a boy, considering all that has recently transpired, we couldn't name him anything else but Ralph. Tricia fears it's outdated and a name school kids will prey upon, but really, what name isn't? If I had a dollar for every original utterance of "Tony Baloney" when I was young....this way, and thanks to the prompting of her friends (she believes them more than she does me, I work through them now on important matters, haha), eventually Ralph Louis can pick either of the two. I figure a kid growing up in Rochester with the same name on the local football stadium (happening soon, although officially not until next season, from what the grapevine tells me), named in honor of his grandfather, would be pretty stoked to be called Ralph Pucci.

Then again, Tricia and I have, for some reason, completely believed all along that we were having a girl. You never know...time will tell!


Just for the record, in some utopian artistic world, I would pick Leilah Millay Pucci for a girls name. For two of my favorite poets, Leilah Accioly and Edna St. Vincent Millay. Lila actually is pretty close...what matters is that the child is healthy. Heck, I used to think, oh, around age 20, that Melody and Harmony would be good names for a girl. I guess that's obvious, but I always thought it would be fun to say, "how's my pretty little Melody today!?!?"


Blogger lily was here said...

Tony, nice name choices. Especially like Lila.

Ralph Louis Pucci - i can see fashion designer there :)

love Sue

Friday, November 10, 2006 8:47:00 PM


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